Duty to Accommodate – December 22, 2020

In light of the announced extension of the Holiday Break, the following should be helpful for those encountering difficulties surrounding child and/or elder care for the upcoming week of Professional Development. If you are concerned with how you will be able to care for your children who would normally be in school for the week of January 4-8, 2021, please see the advice below and documentation supporting accommodation requests. Start asking your site questions now, do not wait until January to do so! Put requests in writing to their direct supervisor (your principal or whomever you would direct the initial …

Read more…Duty to Accommodate – December 22, 2020

Email Update Process Announcement

In an effort to continue to connect and communicate with our members, your Local has been able to access an email platform (MailChimp) and we are ready to gather personal email contact so we can send out our regular updates. We are asking all CUPE Local 5047 members to visit our webpage, https://5047.cupe.ca/ and look for the form where you can enter your name and personal email address so you can receive emails from the Local. The form will be on the right-hand side of our website if you are using a laptop/desktop computer. If accessing the website on your …

Read more…Email Update Process Announcement

CUPE Local 5047 Update – November 18, 2020

Good Evening All, As all Nova Scotians have heard by now, COVID 19 has crept into the Education System, as it has been reported there have been two cases in schools within the Halifax Regional Center for Education. In an effort to support our members, we have reached out to CUPE National for some guidance. They have reminded us of the Department of Education’s Framework to responding to Outbreaks: OUTBREAK MANAGEMENT In the event that a single case of COVID-19 is confirmed to be connected to a school, Public Health will initiate a risk assessment and provide additional guidance on …

Read more…CUPE Local 5047 Update – November 18, 2020