About Us

Executive Members

The current Executive of Local 5047:



Vice President

Shelley McNeil




Recording Secretary

Melissa Brown




Secretary Treasurer

Linda Dunn




Lead Steward

Sherri LeBlanc



Sergeant at Arms / Membership Officer

Tracey Sullivan

What we do

Halifax Regional Centre For

 Education Support Staff


Local 5047 represents over 1600 employees of the Halifax Regional Centre For Education.  Members deal directly with students as Educational Program Assistants, Library Support Specialists, Assistive Technology Workers, Early Childhood Educators, Community Outreach Workers, and Aboriginal or African Nova Scotian Student Support Workers. 

Our members are usually school based, and support students in over 135 sites across HRM  –  from Sheet Harbour to Hubbards.

Shop Stewards

Shop Steward Info


If you have any questions surrounding your Collective Agreement, Job, Title, Position or Workplace please email one of the Stewards listed below. Stewards are listed in Area in which they work to assist in contacting, but any or all can be contacted. The Shop Steward will in turn contact the Chief Shop Steward with any issues, and all will be dealt with accordingly.

Most members of the Executive Council of 5047 have Steward Training, but please follow this order/protocol, as all issues will be discussed with the Executive Council.

Sherri Leblanc lscupe5047@gmail.com Lead Steward

Linda Dunn nursepiglett@outlook.com Secretary Treasurer