Round 3 Postings

The third round of job postings will close tomorrow, July 5, 2017 at 4:00 pm.  Please review the staffing timelines below to make certain that you have completed all the necessary information including filling in the EPA Specific Questionnaire (if applying for an EPA position). The successful applicants from Round 3 will be posted on myHRSB on July 12, 2017  at 4:00 pm.   CUPE Staffing Timelines 2017-2018

General Membership Meeting – June 13, 2017

Local 5047 NOTICE:   GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING DATE: TUESDAY, June 13, 2017 TIME:  6:30 PM – 8:15 PM LOCATION:  Sackville Public Library, 636 Sackville Drive, Lower Sackville, NS   AGENDA: 1.         Roll Call of Officers 2.         Reading of the Equality Statement / New Members and Initiation 3.         Reading and Approval of Minutes from last meeting/Matters Arising 4.         Treasurer’s Report 5.         Communications/Executive Board Report 6.                  Committee Reports 7.         Old Business/New Business- Convention Reports, Staffing Update 8.         Good of the Union/Adjournment

Upcoming General Membership Meeting – February 21, 2107

At our Upcoming General Membership Meeting on February 21, 2107, there will be nominations and Elections for attendees to the “Building Stronger Locals National Conference” held in Halifax and attendees to “CUPE Nova Scotia Convention” held in May. As well, the membership will be voting on accepting an Educational Guideline. For all members in attendance, there will be Draws for Gift Cards, minimally 4 $25 gift cards to Businesses, and 20 $5 gift cards for Tim Hortens (Provided by Higgins Insurance). Hope to see you there!