CUPE Staffing Timelines 2018

Please review the CUPE staffing timelines below to make certain that you have completed all the necessary information including filling in the EPA Specific Questionnaire (if applying for an EPA position). Before applying for any positions, make sure that your resume is updated with the necessary information. Application and Resume: All applications must be submitted online clearly stating qualifications and competencies for the position. Only the information on the resume will be considered. All applications must be received by the deadline to be considered.   Timelines The estimated timelines below provide key information to assist you in planning for CUPE staffing for the …

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New Collective Agreement Signed

The Tentative Agreement that the Membership of CUPE Local 5047 ratified to accept by 96% on February 10 and 11, 2018, and the Halifax Regional School Board ratified on February 28, 2018, has been signed both by CUPE Local 5047 and the HRSB yesterday, March 26, 2018. The new Collective Agreement comes into effect starting today. The HRSB is in the process of uploading the new CA to Document Depot, and you can also see the Agreement on our Local’s Webpage. The HRSB is currently informing different departments of the changes to the contract in order to promote a …

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