- Chair: Chief Shop Steward
- Members: All Active Stewards
Human Rights
- Chair:
Health and Safety
- Chair: Tracey Sullivan
- Tarin Boucher
- Robert Bray
- Donna McCarthy
- Mary Ann Nearing
Membership Support
- Chair:
Labour Management
- Chair: Shelley McNeil
- Melissa Brown
- Linda Dunn
- Sherri LeBlanc
- Chair: Ashley Sellon
- Amanda Muise
- Kendra Somers
- Cat Hutt
- Wanda Baker-Hayward
- Chair: Donna McCarthy
- Shelley McNeil
- Shelley Brown
- Tia Forsythe
- Heather Stenason
What we do
Halifax Regional Centre For Education Support Staff
Local 5047 represents over 2,800 employees of the Halifax Regional Centre For Education.
Members deal directly with students as
- Educational Program Assistants,
- Library Support Specialists,
- Assistive Technology Workers,
- Early Childhood Educators,
- Community Outreach Workers,
- Child & Youth Care Practitioners, and
- Mi’kmaw/Indigenous or African Nova Scotian Student Support Workers.
Our members are usually school based, and support students in over 140 sites across HRM — from Sheet Harbour to Hubbards.