Please see the following Resolutions being submitted to the upcoming CUPE Nova Scotia Convention in May 2019.
CUPE Nova Scotia will :
Encourage divisions, councils, and locals to lobby provincial and municipal governments to promote the day of mourning by flying the CUPE National Health and Safety Day of Mourning Flag, at half mast, on April 28th of each year.
Because: It is important to remember and recognize those workers who have been killed or injured on the job.
It will bring awareness to the public workers and all workers in general.
Recording Secretary:____________________________________________________________
CUPE Nova Scotia will :
Promote all divisions and locals to lobby provincial governments to have an active ceremony to recognize the Day of Mourning on April 28th of each year.
Because: It is important to remember and recognize those workers who have been killed or injured on the job.
It will bring awareness to the public workers and all workers in general.
Recording Secretary:____________________________________________________________
CUPE Nova Scotia will :
Promote and educate all members on the 4 rights of health and safety.
Members should be made aware of, and educated on, the full scope of the 4 rights.
The 4th right (the right to no reprisals) has not been promoted and enforced by members properly.
Recording Secretary:____________________________________________________________
CUPE Nova Scotia will :
Recognize that discrimination creates a health and safety risk and provide awareness that can be included through education.
Research demonstrates the marginalization increases the risk of violence for workers.
Recent governments have emboldened racists to act out.
Acts of racism are violent acts.
Recording Secretary:____________________________________________________________
CUPE Nova Scotia will :
Continue to oppose random drug testing in the public sector. With the legalization of cannabis, the employer may use the opportunity to test for all substances or other medical conditions.
Substance abuse does not mean impairment.
Random drug testing is not an effective safety mechanism.
Fear of testing leads to a decrease in reporting.
Testing is inaccurate and a violation of privacy.
Recording Secretary:____________________________________________________________
CUPE Nova Scotia will :
Lobby the government for paid leave for victims of domestic violence and assist locals in creating language for collective agreements to protect victims of domestic violence while at work.
Domestic violence is increasing in frequency.
Victims may not be focused at work due to stress and this may result in accidents.
Domestic violence can affect all other workers in a variety of ways that may affect their safety.
Recording Secretary:____________________________________________________________
CUPE Nova Scotia will :
Lobby to audit current investments to determine which companies have good safety records and consider divestment from companies with poor safety records and encourage locals to do the same.
Because :
CUPE holds a high standard for safety and should not fund, or work with companies who do not hold the same values we do.
Keeping workers safe is our priority and that shall reach all areas of our investments and divestment’s.
Recording Secretary:____________________________________________________________
CUPE Nova Scotia will :
Promote a multi sector campaign that will inform members about the importance of reporting all incidents, including violent incidents and near hits.
Near misses are really near hits
If incidents are not reported, the employer may not be aware of the incident/hazard.
Protecting workers is an employers obligation.
Near hits are hazards that can be addressed and prevented.
This will generate statistics for investigations.
We want to make sure all workers go home safe at the end of the day.
Gives insight to safe work practices and operating procedures.
Employees fear reprisals.
Recording Secretary:____________________________________________________________
CUPE Nova Scotia will :
Lobby the government to stop implementing, and continuing Attendance Management Programs.
These programs promote presenteeism.
This intimidates workers to attend work, creating an unsafe work environment for others.
They violate the Human Rights Charter by discriminating against sick and disabled workers.
Recording Secretary:____________________________________________________________