Good Day All,
With the Holiday Break approaching, the Executive of CUPE Local 5047 would like to send its warmest wishes to all our members for a safe and happy Holiday Season, and all the best for the New Year ahead.
While the holidays are a happy time for many of our members, we also want to be mindful that it is not the case for all. The Holiday Season often brings with it a dose of reality and responsibilities that can seem unbearable for many. HRCE has a great Employee and Family Assistance Program, please reach out when needed. ( Morneau Shepell – 1.800.387.4765 – )
A reminder – our next General Membership Meeting will be taking place on January 8, 2019 starting at 6:30pm in the Auditorium at Dartmouth High School. At this meeting we will be discussing affiliation to the Nova Scotia Council of CUPE School Board Unions after a presentation from our Regional Director Jacquie Bramwell, as well as having a discussion on the upcoming CUPE Nova Scotia Convention in May, CUPE National Bargaining Conference in March and our regular updates, reports and discussions. We are hoping for a good turn out so as people can help decide the direction of our Local. A detailed agenda will be sent out by January 3, 2019.
Keep an eye out at your site for the package being delivered for your school’s JOHSC Committee with items that coincide with CUPE’s National campaign surrounding Violence in the Workplace.
Again, on behalf of the Executive of CUPE Local 5047, it is our sincere hope you have a safe, healthy and happy holiday break and we are looking forward to seeing you in the new year!
In Solidarity,
Chris Melanson
CUPE Local 5047