New Collective Agreement Signed

The Tentative Agreement that the Membership of CUPE Local 5047 ratified to accept by 96% on February 10 and 11, 2018, and the Halifax Regional School Board ratified on February 28, 2018, has been signed both by CUPE Local 5047 and the HRSB yesterday, March 26, 2018. The new Collective Agreement comes into effect starting today. The HRSB is in the process of uploading the new CA to Document Depot, and you can also see the Agreement on our Local’s Webpage. The HRSB is currently informing different departments of the changes to the contract in order to promote a smooth transition going forward.

As expected, the process to get this new Collective Agreement into effect took some time, as both parties respectfully had to go over all wording and notes to reflect exactly what was signed off on during both negotiations and conciliation.
Retroactivity was part of our negotiated new contract, and all should note a few details about the eventual payout of these wages:
-Retroactivity will be effective back to August 1, 2016.
-Applicable retroactive salary adjustments for current Employees are being processed now. This is a time-consuming process, as there are compounding increase equations to be inputted by the HRSB.
-More information will be shared with CUPE re: expected timelines when it is available from the HRSB. We, CUPE, will be sharing the expected date ASAP we are informed. *As well, we will broadcast the expected date our current rate of pay will increase.
-No current CUPE employee is required to contact HRSB to process a payment.
-As per Article 30.01 (d) of the Collective Agreement:
a) Former employees as noted in 30.01 (d) (i) have 30 days from March 26, 2018 to contact HRSB in writing to receive any retroactive wage increases. This contact can be made via e-mail to the
b) Retirees as noted in 30.01 (d) (ii) will automatically receive any retroactive wage increases. They are not required to contact HRSB to process a payment.
-Though asked, the Retroactivity will not be paid out on a separate pay deposit. The current SAP Payroll system the Dept. of Education uses for all School Boards does not allow for additional pay periods or deposits.